Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Meeting

Last Monday, I had my first Real Curatorial Meeting. It was, frankly, quite worrying for me.

In my opinion, I don't immediately look like someone who screams "mainstream employment." And it is incredibly important for me to look presentable to people, in order to counteract that. (Looking nice also makes me feel nice. I will never understand the people who go to class in PJs.) So I got dressed nicely for a meeting with people who are far above my age bracket and that of my professors. On the way there I drank coffee, and prayed I wouldn't be late-- oftentimes I have heard a complaint that people my age don't understand timeliness, and looking responsible is important too!

A lot of the meeting was, to be honest, explaining how museum numbering systems work. I had mocked up an example for the curatorial committee, and spent the next hour answering their questions and explaining to the committee at the museum why it was important that it get done. I also answered to some of their other questions, such as the pest issue, and worried the whole time that this internship wouldn't be worthwhile for myself or the museum. But, ultimately, I think that's for them to decide.

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